Saturday 27 January 2018

The Week of January 29

Next week promises to be exciting with our Mini Academies and 100th Day of School celebration!

As readers we have been busy reading informational books and learning how to use different text features to locate information.  We’ll begin our week reviewing how to unlock new vocabulary by using context clues.  In addition, we’ll begin working on how to summarize our reading.  We’ll practice identifying the main idea of a chapter. Throughout the week, students will be reading informational books to learn more about the topic they are writing about in their Writer’s Workshop.

As writers we have just finished our first informational books and students are setting goals for their next piece of writing.  With the completion of this book, we now turn our focus to our next book.  Students have identified a topic of interest and selected some books from our library and from online sources to help them learn more about their topic.  We’ll start by reading for information and identifying the important vocabulary words and information from our reading.  From there students will begin planning their new book.  They’ll start by breaking their topic into subtopics, mapping out what they already know about their topic, and then drafting their book section by section.

As mathematicians we have been working with plane and solid figures this week.  We continue practicing how to use attributes to describe plane and solid figures.  Last week we introduced the vocabulary words, square corners and parallel lines.   These terms are essential in identifying and describing the plane figures we work with in class.

Our Mini Academies are scheduled for Monday, January 29.  Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to lead an activity.  These are always special events and the children love learning from our very talented parent community.

Our 100th Day of School is Friday, February 2nd.  We have some exciting events planned to help us celebrate the day.  I’m looking forward to seeing the creative hats that the children make!  We’ll have our Hat Parade in the morning before recess.  Please remind your child to bring his or her hat to school on Thursday, February 1st.  Linked here is the 100th day of school letter.

Swimming will start again this Monday, Day 2 during PE.
These are other swim dates in the semester:
Monday, January 29, 2018
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Friday, March 9, 2018
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Thursday, May 3, 2018

Students will need to bring their swimsuit, towel, and long hair needs to be tied back.  Goggles and swim caps are optional. There is no "ISKL school swimsuit". Appropriate swim attire (one piece swim suit or swim bottoms and rash shirt).  If students forget their swim gear, they can borrow a swimsuit if available or they can use their PE uniform. If students cannot swim for any reason, a detailed email or note must explain why.

What are some nonfiction topics that interest you?  What do you know about them?
What is the topic of the book you’re writing?  What text features will you add?
What shapes do you see around our home?

Saturday 20 January 2018

The Week of January 22

As readers we our continuing our non-fiction work paying attention to all the information available in a non-fiction text (including using text features such as maps, diagrams, labels, etc.) while also tuning-in to what information we might expect to be learning from our non-fiction texts using our reader’s notebooks to document our thinking.

As writers we started working on our first informational pieces, with the aim to teach our reader’s about our chosen topic.  We planned our stories using sub-topics that we then used as the basis for our table of contents page.  In the coming weeks we will be taking this work further by including the features we are noticing in our non-fiction reading and applying these to our writing.  

In science as part of our “Healthy Choices” unit we have started learning about the importance of exercise as part of establishing healthy routines.  We took a baseline “fitness” assessment and the students have been tasked with completing various exercises on a daily basis with the ultimate goal of gauging whether at the end of this unit exercise has helped us get healthier and in better shape.

As mathematicians we our continuing our Geometry unit learning about the attributes of 2D shapes (sides, angles), how and why some shapes are polygons and some aren’t, and using this knowledge to create our very own regular and irregular polygons with different attributes.  

Mr. Alex will be absent on Thursday (25th) and Friday (26th) of January as he will be attending an ISKL hosted workshop (so the students might see him on campus but not in class).

January 29th- Mini Academies and start of Semester 2 Aquatics
January 31st- No School

  • The first aquatics class for the year will take place on Monday, Day 2 January 29th.  Students will need to bring a swimsuit, towel, and long hair has to be tied back.  Goggles and swim caps are optional. There is no "ISKL school swimsuit". Appropriate swim attire (one piece swim suit or swim bottoms and rash shirt).  If students forget their swim gear, they can borrow a swimsuit if available or they can use their PE uniform. If students cannot swim for any reason, a detailed email or note must explain why.  

These are the 2AL swimming dates for 2018:
  1. Monday, January 29, 2018
  2. Wednesday, February 7, 2018
  3. Monday, February 19, 2018
  4. Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  5. Friday, March 9, 2018
  6. Tuesday, March 20, 2018
  7. Wednesday, April 4, 2018
  8. Thursday, April 12, 2018
  9. Friday, April 20, 2018
  10. Thursday, May 3, 2018

1 - What is a polygon and how do you know?
2 - What are some healthy choices that we can make as a family at home this year?

3 - Tell me about the informational book you are writing?

Sunday 14 January 2018

The Week of January 15th

Welcome back everyone! It was such a joy to have our students back and to hear about all of the travels, fun times with family, and special events.  We welcomed four new students to grade 2 this week! In our classroom, we welcomed Mingyo who is coming from Korea.  This brings our total up to 20 (10 boys and 10 girls).  The students have been very welcoming and I know the rest of the ISKL community will help reach out to these new families, organize play dates and make them feel welcome as they settle into their new lives in ISKL and Kuala Lumpur.

In terms of curriculum, we had a busy week launching our new units and doing some community building activities!

As readers we dove into our nonfiction reading and unit this week. We reviewed features of nonfiction texts and discussed how authors use certain features to teach their readers. Students learned how to read diagrams, maps, charts and models by paying close attention to the details of what those features were teaching them.

As writers we started brainstorming ideas for some wonderful nonfiction books. We have started planning out topics, subtopics, creating a table of contents to guide their book, and will be busy in the coming days writing them all out. Next week we will spend a lot of time studying mentor authors and strategies that authors use to teacher their audience all that they can in an engaging way. 

In science we have been tuning into our new unit “Healthy Choices” this week and brainstorming what kinds of choices we make everyday that are helpful or harmful to our bodies. Students will learn about the importance of good hygiene, proper sleep, 3 forms of exercise, healthy eating and water consumption and even mental health. This usually has lasting effects throughout the year, so please help include your child in grocery shopping for healthy food, doing fun and active things as a family and help them track their sleeping habits.

As mathematicians we have started our Geometry unit this week and students have reviewed 2D shapes and some attributes. This unit will cover both 2D and 3D shapes and attributes as well as fractions.

January 15th-ASA registration opens on Powerschool
January 29th- Mini Academies
January 31st- No School

Linked here is the home learning menu for January.

1 - What is something new you hope to learn this year?
2 - What are some healthy choices that we can make as a family at home this year?
3 - What are some ways you can show kindness at home and at school this year?